
SCOUTS (11-18 years)

Your child upon joining, will first have to complete the following steps before they are invested:

  • The Scout Law

  • The Scout Promise

  • The Left handshake

  • The Scout Salute

  • The Scout Sign

  • The Scout Motto

  • A General knowledge of the life of Lord Baden-Powell and the spread of Scouting worldwide

  • Children’s rights and responsibilities

A wide variety of Advancement, Scoutcraft and Interest Badges are available to your scout. The highest award in Scouts is the Springbok Award.

The Scout Method

Our methodology is a system of progressive self-education through:

  • Our Promise and Law

  • Learning by Doing. This takes place through result-driven, hands-on activities where Scouts can later evaluate what they have learnt. Learning by doing is far more meaningful, memorable, and long lasting and it deepens the understanding of concepts and mastering of practical skills.

  • The Patrol System, i.e. membership of small groups under adult guidance. This enhances involvement, progressive discovery and acceptance of responsibility, training towards self-government and the development of character, the acquisition of competence, self-reliance, dependability and capacities both to co-operate and to lead.

  • Progressive and stimulating programmes and a variety of additional activities and projects based on the interests of the members, incl. games, useful life skills, services to community, …

  • Adventure. By creating challenging opportunities for the members to experience we strive to provide a platform for members to practice and develop skills in accordance with the aims of SCOUTS South Africa.

Scout Promise

On my honour I promise that I will do my best,

To do my duty to God, and my country,

To help other people at all times,

To obey the Scout Law.

Scout Law

1. A Scout’s honour is to be trusted.

2. A Scout is loyal.

3. A Scout’s duty is to be useful and to help others.

4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout.

5. A Scout is courteous.

6. A Scout is a friend to animals.

7. A Scout obeys orders.

8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.

9. A Scout is thrifty.

10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

Scout Motto

Be Prepared